The bands of the ladder each contain from 1 to 12 repeats of a 1018. This marker can be used with either agarose or polyacrylamide gels. I am guessing the two bands showing up in the lanes with samples are the 28s and 18s rna bands but they dont. Invitrogen egel 1 kb plus dna ladder is designed for sizing and approximate quantification of doublestranded dna in the range of 100 bp to 15,000 bp. Contact your local promega branch office or distributor. Promega 1kb dna ladder molecular weight marker 1kb dna. How can i prepare working solution with 1 kb dna ladder. The benchtop 1kb dna ladder has bluntended fragments with sizes ranging from 250bp to 10,000bp. Dna electrophoersis ladder very blurry electrophoresis. The 1,000bp band appears more intense than all other bands, which are of approximately equal intensity. Genotypic characterization of psittacid herpesvirus isolates from brazil. The ladder consists of bands that are generated from pcr followed by restriction enzyme digestion. Eleven fragments that range in size from 100bp to 1,000bp in 100bp increments plus a band at 1,500bp. Promega 1kb dna step ladder molecular weight marker for electrophoresis ten bluntended dna fragments ranging from 1kb to 10kb in 1kb increments.
Promega 1kb dna step ladder molecular weight marker for. Dna marker blue bp 1kb dna ladder readytouse dna marker bp 1kb dna ladder is designed for use as molecular weight standard for agarose gel electrophoresis features. One kb plus dna ladder is composed of 20 highly purified, doublestranded dna bands spanning 100bp to 12,000bp. This ladder has 12 evenly spaced bands ranging from 1kb to 12kb, quick. This ladder consists of bands containing 18 repeats of a 1018bp dna fragment. For example, step ladder dna fragments could be in increments of 100bp from. The concentration of 1kb dna ladder is 100 ugml 500ul five microlitres 500 ng of the 1 kb dna ladder are mixed with 1ul of blueorange 6x loading dye. Jukescantor distances and the neighborjoining method phylip package 7. Sigmaaldrich offers a number of directload 1 kb dna ladder products.
Examples of the onepot isothermal amplification are q. The 1 kb dna ladder is a unique combination of a number of. The 500 bp band with higher concentration is distinguished easily from. This visual guide allows you to easily compare the differences between dna ladders offered at goldbio in terms of size. Generuler 1 kb dna ladder 1250 25 x 50 g for 2500 applications, 0. The pcr markers may be run on polyacrylamide gels with less loading volume. The objective of this study was to characterize 36 isolates of pshv1, previously obtained from. Pcr markers have six bands of equal intensity of 50, 150, 300, 500, 750 and 1,000bp. Dna ladders have defined sizes, and are not intended for use in quantitative analysis. Promega manufacturing and delivery systems continue to be fully. Use the 1 kb dna extension ladder to size linear doublestranded dna fragments from 500 bp40 kb. Thirteen bluntended fragments with sizes ranging from.
For the convenience, the amounts of the 500 and 1,000 bp. Cluster analysis based on similarity was performed by the neighborjoining method using the. The benchtop 1 kb dna ladder promega, madison, wi, usa was used as a dna size marker. Ten bluntended dna fragments ranging from 1kb to 10kb in 1kb increments. Dna electrophoersis ladder very blurry nov022010 recently my dna reference ladder invitrogen 1kb plus has been giving me a very blurred smeary result, rather than the distinct bands i am used to and. The ladder is composed of fourteen chromatographypurified. Each ladder is provided with a tube of 6x blueorange loading dye. Generuler 1 kb plus dna ladder thermo fisher scientific. Hyperladder 1kb with 1% wv agarose gel, hyperladder 50bp with 1. Diversity and distribution of dna sequences with affinity to. The 1,000bp and 3,000bp fragments have increased intensity relative to the other bands on ethidium bromidestained agarose gels for easy identification. Promega corporation is a worldwide leader in applying biochemistry and molecular biology to the development of innovative, highvalue products for the life sciences. The 1kb dna ladder has thirteen bluntended fragments with sizes ranging from 250bp to 10,000bp. Six bands of equal intensity of 50, 150, 300, 500, 750 and 1,000bp.
The pcr dna ladder is ideal for routine agarose gel electrophoresis of pcr products or of any dna fragments sized between 100 bp and 2,000 bp. Is it ok to use dna molecular weight marker in rna. The approximate mass of dna in each band is provided 0. Molecular weight markers, or ladders, are a set of standards that are used for determining the approximate size of a protein or a nucleic acid fragment run on an electrophoresis gel. The dna 1 kb ladder is suitable for size determination of doublestranded dna using dna electrophoresis. Promega manufacturing and delivery systems continue to be fully operational during the covid19. Please have a look into the related application note for. Invitrogen 1 kb plus dna ladder is designed for sizing and approximate quantification of doublestranded dna in the range of 100 bp to 15000 bp. Egel 1 kb plus dna ladder thermo fisher scientific. Combine restriction digestion and dephosphorylation of dna vector in. Dna step ladders contain dna bands of defined sizes and equal intensity with fragment lengths at defined increments. Each lane contains the fluorescent ladder cxr, 60400 bases shown in blue.
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